Eko… “To Learn”

I’ve always used the research stage of my art as an excuse to learn more.

This project originally started as a way for me to show my experience while trying to learn my tribal language, Yoruba, on my own.

The first image was intended to be the only piece created for the Onsite Gallary exibit titled “Other Tongues.”

While reaching out to Native Yoruba speakers to ensure that my spellings and accents were correct before submitting the piece, they taught me a way to ensure the accents were in the right position.

Talking Drum…

Using the talking drum is probably the easiest way to ensure the accents and tones of the words are correct. With the drum there is High, Middle, and Low, which are similar to Do, Re, and Mi. The sound you use is what dictates if there is an accent and which way it faces.

The Manual…

The problems I was having with learning the language were mostly as a result of the limited resources around me… so I made one. A manual on how to translate the written words on a page to spoken word (or talking drum), a traditional way.

June 19th 2024 - November 30th 2024

199 Richmond St W
Toronto, ON


Agnosys UX & Graphics

