Tribal Nigeria

photography, Illustration, book-binding, dress-making, copywriting, thesis-finishing, research,

photography, Illustration, book-binding, dress-making, copywriting, thesis-finishing, research,

Thesis Brief:

Pick a topic that you’re passionate about, or want to learn more about, find a problem with it, then fix it, or in my case… Improve it (solving world peace on a national scale is a lot to accomplish in a 6 months.)


Nigerian sub-cultures, A.K.A tribes, and how difficult it is to find certain pieces of interesting cultural information on the lesser populated tribes, partially due to the history ban, partially due to unofficial hierarchy and partially due to other reasons.


Just a little more complicated than “talk it out”. Research into a handful of the 300+ tribes was done, and in the end the semi-final product was an exhibition (GRADEX108); a compilation of arts, crafts, designs, and a Tribal dictionary that is to include the names of each tribe, along with illustrations or photographs that best showcase aspects of each tribe that they would like to share

Tribal Nigeria booth at OCAD U GRADEX108


“Tribal Nigeria” is an ongoing project that requires a hefty amount of time and funding to accomplish. Bursury and Grant suggestions through the contact page are extraordinarily helpful and go a long way into furthering this project.

